Welcome to Kinosbornik.net
Kinosbornik is global movie supply depot. That's what we'd like to consider this website. It really is a dumping ground for people who love or even breathe and eat movies. If you're a big movie bug this is the place for you because if you know of any free movie links this is the place to share them. If you, on the other hand, are looking to watch videos and don't know of any good links for the movies that you're trying to view this is the place for you too. This is a website that is really animated by our love for everything and anything related to the movies.
At least, understand that global movies come and go and it really is a shame that a lot of amazing cinematographic and cinematic masterpieces out there do not get anywhere near the kind of attention they should get. There's just so many underrated and underappreciated works of cinematic art out there. And I'm not just talking about the United States here, I'm talking about Europe, Southeast Asia, Asia, South Asia, Africa: you name it. In fact, in Africa alone, Nigeria cranks out so many movies every single year, and if you ask majority of Americans don't even know that these amazing movies exist.
Don't be surprised if your, otherwise, obscure movie that had previously been downloading only a few dozen times start getting thousands of downloads. This is not a fantasy. This is not a theory nor it is speculation. What I just shared with you actually happens.

I'm not saying that every single movie produced all over the world is worth your attention.
Nobody can make that claim because, hey! Let's get real here, a lot of movies are garbage, okay?
I said it, but that fact does not in any way, take away from the other fact that there are so many awesome movies out there that simply do not get the kind of attention that they fully deserve. This is why Kinosbornik.net was built. Even if you are a small independent movie producer or director, you can share your movie links here. The best part is if billion people find your link here they can put it on their social media page: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, Vineo, and other flat forms. The more flat forms your link goes to, the higher the chance that you will continue to get shared and shared and shared again.
This is not a theory nor it is speculation. What I just shared with you actually happens. In fact, this has happened several times in the past. There are many arts students who uploaded a link of a small movie that they produced on a budget. It was a fairly straightforward, short, amateurish type of a production but after they shared it on this website they got a lot of people who actually wanted to pay good money to watch their movie. I wish I could tell you that the good news ended there. Wait there is more! One of these movies got such a cult following that an actual Hollywood producer contacted the director and have that person direct an actual Hollywood-produced movie.
Production process
This is how, Kinosbornik.net makes an impact.
We understand that there is tremendous amount of talented people out there and unfortunately, this quite a tragedy that the vast majority of them do not get anywhere near the attention their talent deserves. If whether you are in to making movies, watching movies, or distributing movie links this is your online home.
Global movies are our specialty. By global, I'm talking about non-English language movies Don't let this turn you off. It turns out that 60% of the movie links we share here are English language movies. I'm not talking about subtitles either, they're just primarily in English. Still, a large chunk of the movie links we trade here are global in origin.
We're All About Community
We understand that great ideas when shared blow up in power, value and consequence. We truly believe this, and this is why we foster an exclusive community of movie lovers here. People who participate in the community can issue group ratings of movies. These group ratings are said to be social proof. The more people rate a particular movie the more others would think movie is legit enough for them to want to watch.
Social proof is a big deal. Just how big? Well, let me ask you a question, when was the last time you went to a new town or a new city and walk by a restaurant that had absolutely no people eating in it. Having people wanted to it there, eventually to guess, the chances of that happening is exactly zero. Most people have a subconscious bias regarding empty restaurants that they haven't visited before. Why? At the back of their head they're thinking, the reason why there's no people there is maybe the food sucks. That's how most people think.
Same thing goes, if you pass by the exact same restaurant and you notice that not only the interior of the restaurant is full but there is a line stretching around the block of the restaurant.
In that situation, you probably would be intrigued. You probably would be thinking, "If people are willing to wait long hours just to enjoy this food, it must be good." So, what do you do? That's right! You'd fall into line.
This is how social proof works and we use the community movie rating system here as a form of social proof so we can jump-start the careers of deserving film-makers and film-producers, as well as actors and actresses from all over the world.
A lot of our community members are actually expert social media marketers. They know how to create buzz; get people excited; connect people on deep emotional level. This is why we have set up this website as a community resource for sharing movie resources. Think of us as a cinematic resource within a resource within a resource. Whether you are sharing links; critics; or actors’ directors’, producer’s profiles and biographies this is the place for you.
Welcome home!
Don't Waste your Money on Bunk Movies Ever Again
I wish I could tell that if Hollywood spent hundreds and millions of dollars on a movie then that movie is a guaranteed slam dunk, as far as quality is concerned. I wish I could tell you that just because a movie has a high production price tag, that fact alone, makes sure that movies are worth watching. Unfortunately, none of these statements are true. There are lots of well-finance piles of garbage out there. When you go through our materials and you check our group reviews you can arm yourself with the right information so you never, ever, end up wasting your money on worthless movies ever again.
Our Latest Blog
Get More From Your Vaping Experience With Nicotine Salts
Innovations in the vaping industry are not a new thing. The latest innovation that is trending amongst users is nicotine salts. These salts mimic the same rush that standard nicotine does from your cigarette. If you are new to vaping, then you might definitely be interested to know what the buzz is all about on nicotine salts.
Nicotine Salts a Better Alternative for Freebase Nicotine
The current e-juices that you see in the vaping industry are freebase nicotine. Freebase nicotine is nothing but nicotine in its purest form. So, when you vape with freebase nicotine, it gets absorbed faster into your lungs and brains.
Nicotine salts, on the other hand contains nicotine, other organic compounds and benzoic acids. These are derived from tobacco leaves and are more stable that freebase nicotine. If you are looking for top quality vape juice, then check out www.eliquid-depot.com which are premium sellers of all kinds of vape e-liquids.
Higher pH levels in freebase nicotine affect the alkalinity levels, thereby giving users a harsher taste. Nicotine salts have a low alkalinity level due to the combination of benzoic acids. Secondly, nicotine is made up of the negative charged particles. It makes use of protons, which are positively charged particles to become stable. Freebase nicotine is made by separating the protons, thus making it more potent.
Are you tired of the same boring tobacco e liquid flavor when you vape? When it comes to nicotine salts, you can experiment with different flavors. Some of the common flavors that you might find online include mango, pineapple, melon, mint and apple.
Nicotine Salts are Worth a Try
If you have recently started vaping and trying hard to quit smoking, then nicotine salts can help you switch completely. Some of the benefits of vaping with nicotine salts include:
- It is a greater alternative to freebase nicotine
- It gives a smoother hit
- It has a faster absorption rate
- It has low pH levels when compared to traditional nicotine
- It leads to richer and flavorful vaping experience
- It has a longer shelf life
- These are convenient to carry around
- It leads to less liquid consumption
- It leads to less dehydration
- It is user friendly
- It has low maintenance
Vaping with Nicotine Salts
The devices used with nicotine salts will differ from freebase traditional vaping. Nicotine salts make use of low voltage devices and are not suggested for sub-ohm high powered devices. The reason for this being, nicotine salts contain approximately 50mg of nicotine levels when compared to the 3mg in traditional vape.
If used in high powered devices, it can lead to high consumption of nicotine, which is not required, when you can get the same hit from using it with low powered devices and in small amounts.
If you are eager to say goodbye to cigarette, then nicotine salts would be the perfect option for you. Initially, you can purchase them in small milligrams and gradually increase the intake depending on your comfort level.